Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Buried Treasure

My discovery of living a Torah lifestyle was literally like finding a buried treasure.  The discovery was the fruit of a diligent search that began 3 years prior when I asked a heart-felt question of the L-rd:  I asked, "How do you want us to worship You?"  For the previous 20 years I thought I was serving G-d but that day I sincerely asked that question from a pure heart.  The answer I immediately heard in my mind was the verse, "He that wants to worship me must worship me in spirit and in truth."  My mind then questioned the L-rd concerning truth:  "L-rd, what is truth?"  The heavens were silent thus my heart began seeking an answer earnestly.  To remind myself to keep asking, I mentally asked G-d everytime I passed or entered a church.  When we first walked into a Synogogue (three years later) and heard about a Torah lifestyle the L-rd answered my truth question with
Hebrews 11:6 - He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him.
This morning I was reading Jeremiah 29:13 -
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I can testify to the truth of these words by my own experience briefly stated above.  This is another reason to have His word hidden in your heart (as a buried treasure) so that the answers you seek will be there when G-d speaks to you.  And the Psalms state that G-d requires truth in our innermost being.  His word is the only real truth.

His word is the buried treasure - Yeshua is the Word made flesh which dwelt among us.  John 8:32 says that if we abide in His word then we are truly His talmadim.  It goes on to say that when we abide in His Word, we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free.  Abide means to continue in, to tarry, to dwell, to remain.  It doesn't mean to hurry through the Word, or just read it when we are in dire means we will spend time there, we will feast on it, we will meditate on the verses in will be a major priority in our life.  I recently heard a phrase I thought apt.....a Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn't.  I love that statement!

Continuing with the idea of G-d's Word as treasure I recall Isaiah 45:3
I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the G-d of Israel who calls you by name. 
Isn't this a tremendous verse full of promise?  First of all, it thrills me to know that He will call me and has called me "by name."  I'm not just a nameless grain of sand invisible among the gazillions of people that have existed in this world since the beginning of time.  If you have any doubt of your worth to G-d, I urge you to read Psalm 139....that should chase away any doubt that everyone of us is important to Him and does not go unnoticed.

He is literally only a prayer away.  If you feel alone all you have to do is call out to Him.  Your treasure awaits you in the heart of Your King.

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