Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Where Does Our Help Come From?

As Passover approaches I anticipate what the L-rd will impress upon me this year.  I feel that each of G-d's feasts are an opportunity to go deeper with G-d.  I love the Jewish traditions because they work to "flesh-out" His living Word in my own life.  For example, when I light the Sabbath candles and say the blessing to usher in Sabbath the L-rd always shows me some new aspect of Shabbat and light even though I say the same blessing every Sabbath.  Because G-d's Word is living, it never grows stale or lacks in its ability to broaden my understanding.  And G-d frequently uses my current circumstances to feed my Spirit what it needs at that point in time. 

I've been meditating on an article by Tim Hegg in which he explores the meaning of the Hebrew word for Passover (or Pesach).  I always thought it meant that the L-rd "passed over" the homes which had the lamb's blood applied to the lintels but I now agree with Mr. Hegg's conclusions that
"the word means that Adonai Himself will (as it were) "hover" over the door to protect all who are within."
You can read the article yourself (and I encourage you to do just that) at TorahResource and draw your own conclusions.  One very interesting aspect of all of this is that the L-rd was both the destroyer and the protector.  But that tidbit is outside the scope of my post - I will definitely revisit that this week during Pesach.

One of the verses Mr. Hegg uses comes from Isaiah 31 which is an exciting portion of scripture.  It answers the question in Psalm 121:1 "From where does my help come from?"  I've been posting my struggle with trusting as I walk through a particularly difficult situation in my life right now.  I need to be reassured that the L-rd sees me, that He knows me, that He is intimately acquainted with me and Isaiah 31 as well as Mr. Hegg's wonderful article(s) fills this need.  Isaiah 31 is very much to the point and begs no argument as to who is in control. 

I love verse 1 that describes how all of us tend to think when we are in trouble.  Like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness we want to go back to Egypt but to our misguided notions of the grandness of Egypt and the strength of horses and chariots G-d says this: 
verse 3 - ...the Egyptians are men and not G-d, their horses are flesh and not spirit..."
The L-rd will wage war;
He will fight our battles;
He will bring deliverance;
He will heal all of our diseases;
He will fill us with perfect peace;
He will put joy in our hearts;
He will restore us to the place we once were!
He will bring restoration to all relationships!

The verse Mr. Hegg used as one of his supporting verses about the meaning of Pesach comes from verse 5:  Like flying birds so the L-rd of Hosts will protect Jerusalem.  He will protect and deliver it; He will pass over and rescue it. 

He hovered over the homes that applied the lamb's blood in faith and trust.  Psalm 91:14-16 says that He will deliver those who love Him, who call upon Him.  He will answer them when they are in trouble and He will rescue them. 

The security of those who trust in Adonai is something no one can take away.  So this Pesach, apply the blood of the lamb to the lintels of your heart and stand firm.  He is hovering over your heart and will not allow your foot to slip.  He will not allow any harm to befall you.  Lift your eyes and see your Father G-d - He is your help!

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